Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I know that I said Vaughn would be entering all of the new posts on this blog....but he's been too busy and  is pretty shy when it comes to writing things about himself.  But, I'm  not!  We are pretty darn excited to announce that Nolan Ryan, baseball legend, will be writing the forward to "Tell Me About That Horse".  I guess most people know about Nolan's incredible history as a baseball player.  But, it may surprise some that Nolan is a rancher and fellow horse lover.  We can't wait for his contribution to this project!

Friday, January 8, 2010

In the beginning...

It's been three years since I started interviewing people for "Tell Me About That Horse".  I thought it would be an interesting concept for a book, coupled with my portraits of the interviewees, but my wife, Valerie, was skeptical.  Not about the concept, but she was skeptical that I would be willing to leave my front porch long enough to get any interviews.  In her words, "The people that you want to interview are not going to come to Petal, Mississippi.  You're going to have to go to them."  And so I did.  I accepted that as a challenge, and three years and 30,000 miles later I have forty five interviews, portraits, and candid photographs of some of the most interesting people you can imagine telling me about a special horse in their lives.